The Huffer Foundation is currently accepting grant proposals from 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organizations.
The Foundation encourages qualified organizations to send us a brief letter of inquiry introducing us to your organization outlining your purpose and funding request.

We welcome you to submit a full grant proposal. Your submission should include information about your mission and history, description of project(s), needs and level of funding, and annual operating budget. It should also confirm your current tax-exempt status. Inclusion of financial reports and your most recent form 990 is appreciated.
Those seeking guidance in grant writing may want to visit and explore their set of guidelines, templates, and tools.
The trustees of the Foundation will review proposals throughout the year and usually convene in the fall to vote on the awarding of grants. All grant proposals seeking an award by the end of the year should be submitted before October 1st. Proposals received after this time will be considered for the following year.
Eligibility Considerations & Requirements
Grant applications will be accepted only from tax-exempt agencies. No grants to individuals will be made. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that their organization is recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt organization before submitting an application.